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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Tricks to get matches on tinder

“If you want to be successful find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results” – Tony Robbins
Tony is a smart man who's led many people to massive success - let me help you apply this approach when your goal is getting more matches on Tinder:
The Tinder profile qualities and attributes you want to copy are those of the most popular guys on Tinder - they get the most matches.
Until recently we had no idea who the most popular people on Tinder were. But with Tinder's latest (Australian only) update that included the Tinder blend we can now see Tinder's most popular users.
Here's a picture of that Tinder Blend functionality:
As you can see there's an option called Popularity which "shows more of Tinder's most popular users."
Using the popularity setting on a female friends Tinder with a Tinder passport, I was able to view the most popular guys from all over the world.
What I found was there were 10 common themes that Tinder's most popular male profiles had in common.
(Remember, these are the guys who get the most matches on Tinder - the people you want to copy)
Here's the summary:
  1. Maximize your looks by choosing the right pictures
  2. Use a main profile picture where you're looking away from the camera and not smiling (no selfies)
  3. If you've got a good body, show it off with tasteful photos
  4. Include a picture with your dog
  5. Use high quality photos
  6. Apply filters to your pictures
  7. Use Tinder pictures with the blurry/sharp effect
  8. Show off any high social status or fame you may have
  9. Show off any high economical status that you may have
  10. Use supporting pictures that make girls want to get to know you.
Here is some further explanation for two key items.
Finding #1: The large majority of Tinder's most popular males were very attractive - in fact a lot of them were models.
This is no surprise to anyone.
What it is though is a reminder that to maximize your matches you need to make maximize your attractiveness... something which is controllable to an extent as you'll see in finding #2 and #7.
Finding #2: A very large amount of Tinder's most popular guys had a profile picture of them looking away from the camera and not smiling.
This isn't a coincidence that a lot of Tinder's most popular guys use this type of photo.
This is supported by OkCupid - one of the largest online dating sites - who performed experiments and discovered that women found men's photos most attractive when they don't smile and look away from the camera:

Looking away from the camera and not smiling is definitely something you could implement in your profile to achieve more matches.
Finding #7: Tinder's most popular guys had a very common theme of pictures using the blurry/sharp effect.
This is no coincidence either - OkCupid aggregated over 11.4 million opinions on photos and found that the best pictures have a very shallow depth of field.
Blurry/sharp effect = shallow depth of field = low aperture (f/values)
Here are their results (green = better performing pictures).

This effect is simple to achieve on any decent DSLR camera by simply lowering the aperture settings to f/1.2 to f/2.8.
Alternatively, you can use an iPhone app like Big Lens and edit a normal picture so it looks as though there's a shallow depth of field.
So implementing photos with a shallow depth of field is another way to make you look more attractive and get you more matches - it's what Tinder's most popular guys are doing.
By using these two photo methods you'll be doing well to copy Tinder's most popular guys, which based on Tony Robbin's philosophy of achieving success will help you get more 

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